Speaking Tree Times of India

When Your Earth Visa Expires

(Published in The Speaking Tree column, The Times of India March 27, 2012) Where do we go when our Earth visa expires? Most religions suggest that our souls live on and travel into another realm. While this is the common belief, it is not as simple as it sounds. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity talk

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Astral And Physical Worlds

(Published in The Speaking Tree column, The Times of India May 31, 2011) Astral life begins once physical life ends. There have been many accounts of the astral plane, which describe its luminous nature. One of the most famous accounts is in the book, Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. In the astral plane,

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Yin And Yang

(Published in The Speaking Tree newspaper, a part of The Times of India November 21, 2010) We all have a Father and a Mother God within us; the merging of these energies results in spiritual awakening, says Prashant Solomon.Recently,I had a very powerful dream, a dream in which I was in a strange realm, where

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Faith Reticence And Work

(Published in The Speaking Tree column, The Times of India March 31, 2010) The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ performed many miracles, including healing the sick and even raising the dead. Christ tells healed people two things: ”According to your faith be it unto you”, and ”your faith hath made thee whole”. Then he

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Ultimate Faith In The Divine Will

(Published in The Speaking Tree column, The Times of India October 31, 2008) Why do we pray? Some want health, others wealth. Some pray for the longevity of their parents, the safety of their children or that some other desire of theirs gets fulfilled. These prayers, like all others, have power and energy that bring

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