Inner Voice The Hindustan Times

You Are Godstuff

Published in the Inner Voice column of Hindustan Times March 4, 2008) (slightly edited version was printed in the newspaper due to space constraints) The ancient wisdom of the ages is this – you are a drop of the ocean called God. However, most have not realized this truth. “The Kingdom of God is within […]

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Prayer Power

(Published in Inner Voice column, page 13, Hindustan Times, October 24, 2007) (published in slightly edited form in the newspaper due to space constraints) There is a lot of power in thoughts and prayers. Thoughts are a form of energy and therefore real. Prayer is a form of communication with the Infinite source of all

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He Seeks And Saves The Lost

(Published in Inner Voice column, page 15, Hindustan Times, March 22, 2005) Like every human being, many times I have ‘fallen short of the glory of God’ and have repeatedly asked for His forgiveness. Such times I have always felt distanced from Him. After succumbing to temptation, we often feel cut off from His Holy

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