Speaking Tree Times of India

Playing Earth Games

Playing Earth Games

(Published in the Sunday Speaking Tree of The Times of India on February 10, 2019) Recently Elon Musk said that he believes it is entirely possible that our physical world is a highly advanced virtual reality game being played by our advanced future selves. But what if it’s way more glorious than that? Think about

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Man from Yamuna Pushta

The Man From Yamuna Pushta

(Published in The Speaking Tree column of The Times of India Edit Page May 22, 2017) Yamuna Pushta is an embankment of jhuggis (hutments) behind Raj Ghat, Delhi, on the banks of the Yamuna River. I had gone there in 1995, as a reporter for a Delhi-based evening newspaper, to cover a story about drug

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Life The Greatest Show On Earth

(Published in The Speaking Tree, The Times of India – Jan 11, 2014) Life, is the greatest show on Earth. But imagine a story without conflict. Would it even be called a story? Every successful novel or drama has to have conflict in order to be interesting. Imagine a novel about a mundane ordinary existence,

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The Difference In Being And Doing

(Published in The Speaking Tree, The Times of India – August 29, 2013) The simple art of passive observation is something that is becoming a rarity. In today’s world we are many times obsessed with ‘doing’ something. In the car, we are either driving, listening to music, reading or talking on our cellphones. Or we

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eternal voyage of wonder

An Eternal Voyage Of Wonder

(Published in The Speaking Tree, The Times of India – June 3, 2013) Before Galileo Galilei and Nicholas Copernicus, we lived in a geocentric solar system. This was the truth that was the accepted one. This was excepted by the church, the governments, the scientists, the philosophers and the common people of the day. There

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Anybody Out There?

(Published in The Speaking Tree, The Times of India – October 26, 2012) When NASA recently landed the Curiosity rover on Mars, the moment once again raised the age-old question, “Is there life in outer space?” The most logical answer is that there must be life out there considering the infinite nature of our known

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