Playing Earth Games

Playing Earth Games

(Published in the Sunday Speaking Tree of The Times of India on February 10, 2019)

Recently Elon Musk said that he believes it is entirely possible that our physical world is a highly advanced virtual reality game being played by our advanced future selves. But what if it’s way more glorious than that?

Think about this. 20 years ago the video games we had were very primitive according to today’s standards. The graphics were cheesy, the experience of playing a video game still felt totally like a ‘game’.

Fast forward to 2019. The video games of today have graphics that are very realistic. If you wear a VR headset and play a game you feel a lot more like you are a part of that game than you would 20 years ago.

Fast forward to 2119. Just 100 years from now, if we are still around, we should have made huge advances in technology. A VR game a century from now would probably be indistinguishable from ‘reality’.

But what if our true identity is that of spirit beings or souls and our true world is the spirit world? Perhaps our true spirit beings are highly advanced in technology and are able to make an entire universe that is like their version of virtual reality.

If we have constructed a virtual world that runs on software, which is a part of the physical world, maybe they constructed a physical universe that runs on matter and energy, which is a part of a larger spiritual universe.

So pixels and bytes of our software games in a universe made of atoms could be the same thing as atoms of our physical games in a universe made of lifetrons and spirit?

Perhaps virtual reality games and software or the computer world in general (which is a construct of human beings) is a smaller version of a physical reality, which is just the construction of spiritual beings and a small part of a much larger spiritual universe.

Many of our holy books suggest this. The concept of multiple dimensional worlds is present in the Hindu writings with the concept of ‘loks’ and in the Holy Gayatri Mantra there is reference to ‘Bhur’ (physical) ‘Bhuvah’ (astral) ‘Svaha’ (causal), which are three different planes of existence. The Bible speaks of various heavens and worlds. Buddhism also talks about multitudes of levels of existence. Islam also speaks about seven heavens.

So it is entirely possible that our souls chose to enter, exit and re-enter their version of virtual reality into our physical universe in order to learn lessons of love, compassion and humility, which helps us grow as spiritual beings. Then we leave this physical world and re-enter our true home in the spirit planes where we absorb and reflect on the experiences and lessons we had on the earth plane. Then in time, we reincarnate into another earth body and play a new game as the same player but a different character.

Maybe death is nothing more than the moment we take off our VR headsets through we which we played the earth game and realize our true spiritual world and spiritual form that is our true home and our true nature. Many people who have had near death experiences (NDEs) claim that the spirit world where they briefly went to seemed more ‘real’ than the physical world.

So bottom line is this – don’t take this life on earth SO seriously. Enjoy the game. Enjoy the ride, because someday this particular game will end and another new adventure, another new game will begin.